The 2nd Worm Feeding
In this video, Ms. Mindy gives the little wormies their second feeding and talks about what to expect as the rest of the decomposer community gets established in the worm bin.
In this video, Ms. Mindy gives the little wormies their second feeding and talks about what to expect as the rest of the decomposer community gets established in the worm bin.
Use containers or create piles in the ground to make soil out of your green waste
Worms did not work out for you? It’s ok. Hang with us until harvest and you may return your worm bin back to us. Watch the video for other ways to apply zero waste in your home.
Ms. Mindy talks about a hard reality with vermicomposting
Using observational skills when feeding your worms
Here’s a way to make compost tea using a compost tea brewer.
Get your Beetle Grub!
Phylum Arthropoda
Class Insecta
Order Coleoptera