Aloha and Mahalo!

Aloha Worm Ohana –

First of all, I owe you guys a video about vermicast. Your big bucket o’ vermicast has been sitting – seasoning – for a couple of months and is definitely ready to use now.  I promise the Vermicast Video will be posted very soon.

Secondly, I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for participating in this ambitious pilot project.  It was scary and humbling and terrific fun and I got such a kick sharing your first wormy experience with you.  I learned so much and can’t wait to test out my updated knowledge.

Which brings me to Thirdly….

Our Learn to Worm Virtual Vermicomposting Project is now officially pau.  We are currently transitioning the Zero Waste Worm Ohana website to welcome and accommodate ALL Oahu vermicomposters and vermicomposter wannabees.  Yep, we will morph shortly into the Oahu Community Worm Ohana!

One of the things that struck me the most about our pilot project was the Power of the Collective.  Each of us was feeding a few pounds of food a week, but together, we diverted nearly TWO TONS of food waste from the waste stream – and that number continues to rise.  We produced over 43 pounds of worms and 114 gallons of vermicast!  We shared worms with ten new households!  The numbers don’t lie – together, we made an impact.  

We were only 50 strong, but what if 1,000 families were inspired to start up a little box bin of composting worms?  2,000?  More?  The uninitiated think of keeping a worm colony as a silly little tree-hugger novelty, but wormers are steadily recovering resource and increasing the fertility of soil, which in turn stimulates microbial activity, retains moisture, mitigates erosion, sequesters carbon, and enhances biodiversity – all important indicators of a healthy, resilient ecosystem that can soften the blow of climate change.  Make no mistake: WE make a difference in this world.

Much more information will be coming your way as we roll out the promotion of the new, expanded Worm Ohana program.  Watch for it and please post to your various networks and communities.

We plan to honor and celebrate your continuing contribution as the original Worm Ohana pioneers by maintaining a special webpage on the new website where your data will continue to be posted, your photos will roll in the slide show, and your story will be told.  So please, continue to collect and report your feeding, harvesting and community spread data. Eventually, your children’s grandchildren will marvel at what you achieved.

It has been an honor and a privilege, my friends.  Let’s keep our good thing going.  Are you with me?


Ms. Mindy

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